Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Six Ways to Empower Your New Year

We all get trapped in the flurry of holiday parties, shopping and travel arrangements at this time. It can be quite time consuming and stressful to get it all done. We may even forget about the important things in our lives.

That's why I propose you try the following suggestions before the New Year. It will help you wrap up this year on a high note, and start the right path in the New Year:

1. De-Clutter: This refers to your home, car, purse or life in general! The Chinese technique Feng Shui, teaches that clutter is a major cause of chaos, sickness and stress in our lives, and it constricts the flow of energy. Try winter cleaning--dump those old papers, broken appliances and unused trinkets. According to my sister Annette, an Ayurvedic Educator, it is best to do this during the full moon period (now until December 24!) per Kabbalistic teaching. So get a headstart now!

2. Let Go of Old Baggage: Similar to clutter, holding on to baggage can restrict our energy flow and keep us from moving forward. Forgive those that have hurt you, ask for forgiveness and let go of past grievances or mistakes. Whatever you're holding on to, is it really worth it? You'll feel much better when you lift the weight and move on!

3. Reflect on 2011: Think back on the year--have you been leading the life you want and fulfilling your purpose? What did you do right this year? Remember to celebrate those accomplishments! Did you have any difficult experiences? If you haven't done so yet, turn these into positive opportunities to grow and learn.  

4. Set 2012 Goals: About a week ago I gave some guidelines for setting goals. I challenge you to have one or two HUGE "Masterpiece" goals that stretch you out of your comfort zone and get you to aim high in 2012. If you need a bit more assistance, download my free "Sketch Your Goals" Guide for making 2012 your best year ever!

5. Rest and Recharge: I know it may be difficult this time of year, but try to take at least a couple of days to do NOTHING. That rest period may be the perfect time to reflect, let go of the past and set goals.

6. Give Back: Make it a point to give during this holiday time. You can donate a few dollars to a cause you care about (such as an arts charity like Artista Foundation), donate your clothes to a Salvation Army drop off, or donate your time to a local soup kitchen or orphanage. It is a wonderful feeling helping others, and you will receive way more in return! 

Do you have any other suggestions to empower you into 2012? I'd love to hear them! 

For more guidance on setting goals, creating a plan for action and leading your best life, check out Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book program presents 12 strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose! Plus it's a great holiday gift!

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Are You Aiming for the Stars?

Note: Before I forget, check out my newest Coaching Program which starts in a couple of days...July 26 (the day before the Olympics!) to get you big transformation results in just a few weeks, developing a high performance mindset to achieve your dream goal! Hope you can join me, space is limited!  Here's to your success! ~Alex

For my part I know nothing with any certainty,
but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
~Vincent van Gogh

Right here and now I’m giving you permission to aim for the stars with your dreams. Does that sound a bit cheesy? Well I am a motivational coach pushing you to reach your greatest personal and professional success! 

Always aim high with your goals, even if some seem out of reach. The worst that can happen is that you push yourself beyond what you ever imagined possible. Who knows, you may even reach your goals! 

In less than six months, I wrote a book, and can now say I’m an Author. That all started with a vision and a goal. I didn’t want to just keep writing articles; I firmly decided to write a book! Then I followed up and made it happen. 

There’s also the income goal. Whenever I start talking to my clients about earning hundreds of thousands of dollars or more, somehow it gets out of their scope of reality. Is earning this much income really out of your reality? If you’re working in line with your purpose—what I call your Masterpiece Purpose--you deserve to earn all the income to which you aspire. Since you’re getting paid to do what you love anyway, why not earn as much as you want doing it? You must first see yourself worthy of receiving it. 

Essentially, aiming for your real aspirations allows you to truly live a
purposeful life. Although it’s not always about money, focus on what you really want and don’t be afraid to think it, want it or say it. 

When you get some down time, meditate and reflect on your goals. Remember, don't just reach for the trees...aim for the stars!

*If you'd like to further your training, check out one of my upcoming Webinars including Strategic Online Marketing, Branding and Publicity! Sign up now before space fills up!

This article is derived from Ch. 3 on Goals from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book program presents the 12 most powerful strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

'Tis the Season to Set Goals!*

On the journey through your life, goals are like your destination points you map out in advance. The first step in determining your goals is to identify what you desire in life. What are your aspirations? What do you wish to accomplish now and in the future? You must determine this first to know what to reach for! 

The trick to setting goals is making them S.M.A.R.T.**: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound: 

Make Goals Specific: Your goals should be as specific as possible. Start with the 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, Which and Why. For example, specify that you want to own a three-bedroom, beachside vacation condo in Miami Beach, Florida. Try to be as detailed and visual as possible for each goal.

Make Goals Measurable: Each goal should be measurable in order to evaluate whether you have achieved it or not. For example, a goal to “make more money” is not measurable. How much do you really want to earn? Is it $5,000, $50,000 or $500,000 more per year? Notice what a difference just one zero can make to your goal! It’s easiest to measure goals by associating them with numbers. Ask yourself “How Much?” or “How Many?” for each goal.

Make Goals Attainable: When setting goals, I coach my clients that nothing is outside their realm of possibility. At the same time, your goals shouldn’t be outside of your scope of reality. Ask yourself, how will you accomplish each goal? For example, would you like to have your “dream home” or “dream vacation,” but feel it’s only possible by winning the lottery? If so, these are not realistic goals for you. You don’t want to give up on any goal because it’s not feasible or believable in your mind.

Make Goals Relevant: Make your goals relevant and important for you and your life. Let’s assume your goal is to obtain your Master’s degree. Is this something you really want to accomplish or others want for you? Your goals should always be in your best interest.

Make Goals Time-Bound: Setting time limits for your goals helps you direct your attention on how best to accomplish them. Are you to complete your goal in three months or three years? Set a specific time frame for each goal. With a deadline in mind, you can begin to work backward toward obtaining it by focusing on the steps you need to take now to reach your goal.

When you make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound, you are more likely to commit to accomplish them.

*'Tis the season to reflect on where you are and where you want to go in your life! If you need a bit more assistance, download my free "Sketch Your Goals" Guide for making 2012 your best year ever!

This article is derived from Ch. 3 on Goals from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book program presents 12 strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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Enter your Email:

**Citation: Doran, George T. “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives.” Management Review, Nov. 1981, Volume 70, Issue 11, p. 35-36.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

5 Actionable Steps to Brand Yourself Today

I've mentioned before that Branding is a long-term success strategy. The following are 5 actionable steps you can do today to increase your Branding image and recognition.

1. Visualize and set Long-Term Goals - Aim high in all areas of your life, including your success, fame and recognition as you want it. Visualize exactly how you want your life to be. Based on your visualization, write down your goals 5, 10, 15 and 30 years out.

2. Ask your clients for Testimonials/Endorsements - Ask a few of your most satisfied clients for endorsements and post them on your website or newsletter. 

3. Document your work - Think in terms of a retrospective down the road. Document the work you have sold in the past, any awards, honors and press articles received, etc. [Okay this may take more than a day.. perhaps a weekend. But it's worth it!]

4. Do a search for your name - Make sure the first page of is all positive or at least factual! Create a Alert to spot any negative postings associated with your name.  

5. Add tags to any of your websites online - Your tags should include your name and a few keywords that you most want to associate with you. Apart from your website and blog, include tags on YouTube videos, Flickr images, etc.

*If you missed my last webinar, click here to get your free bonus. Or check out more upcoming webinars this month on topics such as Branding on 4/23, Strategic Marketing and Publicity!

This article derived from Ch. 10 on Promotion in Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book presents 12 strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to my "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video, sign up now:
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are You Creating A Successful Brand?

So you'd like to attract more clients, sell more work and charge higher prices. But then you see yourself falling into the same patterns and routines where you become like everyone of the masses.

Instead, remember the first two of my "3 Keys to Marketing Success": You-niqueability and Memorability. In other words, work on those areas that reflect how you are most unique and memorable. This is part of a strategic and vital Branding effort for your marketing plan. Most people don't ever take the time to concentrate on this. But you are You-nique and memorable!

Branding elevates you and your business by allowing you to:

1. Focus on who you want to be. Your brand identity is based on what you aspire to be, and that should always be forefront on your website, social media presence and marketing campaign. For example, if you aim to sell to a more affluent market, it may not be a good idea to participate in local craft fairs every week.

2. Focus on your You-nique value: There is only one You. That's what people are buying. When you price according to your value, you don't have to give discounts down to the ground to sell your work (unless of course, you are branded as a discount business!). Why should you? You worked hard to create your unique product and deserve to charge what you deserve for it. 

3. Focus on long-term success. You may have to forego some profits in the short-run by not cutting your prices or opting for business practices that may develop over time. Be patient. Branding is not about overnight success, but prolonged, steadily increasing success. It's worth it!

Taking advantage of your You-niqueability and Differentiating yourself will make you irresistible and stand out to your clients. And always maintain confidence in yourself and your abilities! 

This article is derived from Ch. 10 on Promotion of Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book program presents 12 strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose!

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to my "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video, sign up now:
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Are you Scheduling Enough "Recharge" Time?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an Article about how important it is to delegate when you don't have "Enough Time." Recently I found out on Twitter about the "Slow Movement" and the need to slow down, refresh and take back your life! After coming off an energetic launch for my Sculpt Your Life Success Program as well as a myriad of Art Basel events this week, I decided to take a "slow" moment to just calm down and relax. It felt amazing!  

Are you giving yourself enough “recharge” time? Here are some tips for recharging your life: 

1. Schedule “recharge” time in your calendar in advance. That way, other errands or tasks won’t easily distract you. Make your friends and family aware of your schedule so they don’t interrupt you during your “recharge” hours. As an entrepreneur, I can work all day but since I love what I do, I don’t see all of it as “work.” I still need to find “recharge” time throughout the day. On days that I work from home, I try to take a 20-minute afternoon nap and go for an energizing walk. These little breaks are refreshing and help recharge my mind. Oftentimes, I even schedule other meetings around these breaks.

2. Take off periodic "recharge" days. This can be done on a weekly, monthly or seasonal basis. I try to schedule one day every couple of weeks of "me time." Even just a weekend of doing nothing or engaging in a physical or spiritual activity can be incredibly uplifting. During the holidays, take at least a couple of days to unwind and recharge prior to the hustle and bustle of shopping and family gatherings.

3. Schedule at least two weeks of vacation each year. If you’re not taking enough
vacation or rest days, what are you prioritizing instead? If you have not incorporated vacation into your overall life goals, now's the time to revisit your goals and make it a priority. Rest and play are crucial for living your Masterpiece Life!

The above excerpt is derived from Ch. 4 of Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This program has 12 keys to success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose

I also encourage and welcome comments and appreciate you forwarding this article to others who may find it valuable.