Thursday, May 31, 2012

Find Time for Rest & Relaxation

Image courtesy of spa concierge

If you are at all like me, you have about a million things you are working on at the same time. And it seems that no matter how much I have to do, I keep piling on more to do. 

The truth is that I am at my highest productivity level when I have a lot going on, mainly because I have less time to procrastinate. Of course, the downside is the usual sense of overwhelm! Being overwhelmed and overly stressed are major reasons or precursors for getting sick.

One thing I have been trying to increase is finding BALANCE in my life. I'm sure you want it too! I know I know, it's tough. But you deserve it! 

Here are some ways to find time for rest and relaxation:

1. Schedule "R&R" time in your calendar. That way, you won't get distracted by other errands or tasks so easily.
It could be as simple as spending 20 minutes during the day to go for a walk during lunch or take a breather outdoors (hopefully not to smoke!). These little breaks can be so refreshing and help recharge the mind. Make your friends and family aware of your schedule so they don’t interrupt you either.

2. Take periodic days off.
This can be done on a weekly, monthly or seasonal basis. I try to schedule one day every couple of weeks of "me time" to go to the spa or book a massage or just hang out doing NOTHING. I've come to love and appreciate my "Nothing" days.

3. Schedule at least two weeks of vacation each year. It's almost you have vacation planned yet? If not, get out your calendar and mark out a week in the next two months. Then find a mini vacation, or even a "staycation" to be a tourist in your own town. If you’re not prioritizing your vacation time, what are you prioritizing instead? 

4. Resist the Feelings of Guilt or Filling Time. Nowhere in religious or spiritual texts does it say that you have to work hard 24/7 or that relaxation is evil. Yet so many of us have little feelings of guilt when we take time off or spend time relaxing. We have even been programmed to always be doing something that we may have trouble being still for a moment. Just try it for a few hours!

If you have not incorporated R&R, recharge time, and vacation into your overall life goals, now's the time to revisit your goals and make it a priority. Rest and play are crucial for living your Masterpiece Life!

Embrace and learn to love the stillness, silence and nothingness. Your mind, body and spirit will appreciate it!

The above excerpt is derived from Ch. 4 of Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This program has 12 keys to success and is designed to m
otivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose! 
For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Clean Up to Move Up

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

Are you feeling stuck, like you're not moving forward in your life? This is not unusual, especially now in the late spring.. everything seems to slow down. 
However, you may be able to clean up some loose ends and set a clear new path toward a successful life! In other words, clean up your life to move up in life! 

Here are five suggestions to help you start:

1. De-Clutter: This refers to your home, car, purse or life in general! The Chinese technique Feng Shui, teaches that clutter is a major cause of chaos, sickness and stress in our lives, and it constricts the flow of energy. Try spring cleaning--dump those old papers, broken appliances and unused trinkets. According to my sister Annette, an Ayurvedic Educator, it is best to do this during the full moon (aka "waxing") period per Kabbalistic teaching. So get a headstart now!

2. Let Go of Old Baggage: Similar to clutter, holding on to baggage can restrict our energy flow and keep us from moving forward. Forgive those that have hurt you, ask for forgiveness and let go of past grievances or mistakes. Whatever you're holding on to, is it really worth it? You'll feel much better when you lift the weight and move on!

3. Reflect on your past: Think back on the past year, 3 years, 5 years--have you been leading the life you want and fulfilling your purpose? Are you progressing in your life, staying stagnant or moving backward? Have you made mistakes or experienced any difficult experiences? If you haven't done so yet, turn these into positive opportunities to grow and learn.  

4. Set New Goals: I've written before about setting goals. I challenge you to have one or two HUGE "Masterpiece" goals that stretch you out of your comfort zone and get you to aim high. If you need a bit more assistance, download my free "Sketch Your Goals" Guide for making this your best year ever!

5. Rest and Recharge: This may be easy now that summer is almost here and school is nearly completed. Try to take at least a couple of days to do NOTHING. Yes, Nothing! That rest period may be the perfect time to reflect, let go of the past and set goals.

For more guidance on setting goals, creating a plan for action and leading your best life, check out Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book program presents 12 strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose! 

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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