Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Taking Time to Recharge and Rest

Many of you know that I spent the last few months On A Mission working on my thesis for my masters program. It was three intense months where I literally have not had downtime. Such has been my masters career over the last couple of years, as I've been studying, running my own business and launching my book.

How often do we go through life On A Mission with no time for ourselves? Are you giving yourself enough “recharge” or rest time? Here are some tips to recharge your life: 

1. Schedule “recharge” time in your calendar in advance. That way, other errands or tasks won’t easily distract you. Make your friends and family aware of your schedule so they don’t interrupt you during your “recharge” hours. As an entrepreneur, I can work all day but since I love what I do, I don’t see all of it as “work.” I still need to find “recharge” time throughout the day. On days that I work from home, I try to take a 20-minute afternoon nap or go for an energizing walk. These little breaks are refreshing and help recharge my mind. Oftentimes, I even schedule other meetings around these breaks.

2. Take off periodic "recharge" days. This can be done on a weekly, monthly or seasonal basis. I try to schedule one day every couple of weeks of "me time." Even just a weekend of doing nothing or engaging in a physical or spiritual activity can be incredibly uplifting. During the holidays, take at least a couple of days to unwind and recharge prior to the hustle and bustle of shopping and family gatherings.

3. Schedule at least two weeks of vacation each year. If you’re not taking enough vacation or rest days, what are you prioritizing instead? If you have not incorporated vacation into your overall life goals, now's the time to revisit your goals and make it a priority. Rest and play are crucial for living out your Mission!
The above excerpt is derived from Ch. 4 of Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This program has 12 keys to success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your Mission!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Defining Your Mission

My tagline is always: What’s Your Mission? 

This stems from  many years of my own search for my own Mission. After years of working in business and banking, it became clear I wasn’t doing what I was called to. I am continually asking myself, what am I called to do on this planet?
Even though pursuing my mission has been an evolution—and likely to continue to evolve—I am certain that I am doing what I meant to do at this moment.

I’m so happy that Mission Based Branding Institute helps fulfill my mission to help passionate individuals and brands implement their missions.   

So, what do I mean by “Mission”? Here is how I define “Mission”: 


1. A brand or individual’s reason for being in existence. An overwhelming “why” or purpose for being in existence. A Mission can be the brand’s core competency, and is usually defined as the profitable aspect of a business or what the core service or product is.

2. An aligned cause or philanthropic initiative that a Brand chooses to help make a difference in the community. This is typically tied to a non-profit measure.
For most mission-driven or socially-conscious businesses, the Brand’s core competency in itself may be for the betterment of the community or planet. And most nonprofits make money from their core competency, however the profits are used for charitable or community purposes.
So, what's your Mission?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hiding Behind Excuses

"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions"
~Leonardo da Vinci

Many of us blame external factors such as the economy, politics, world conflicts, work life and even our friends and family members for our own problems. We make excuses for our lack of success, or mask our own insecurity, indecision or inaction. In reality, anyone can succeed during a “down” economy or any other negative situation because it’s just a state of mind. Our own opinions can deceive us!
Recently I gave a marketing presentation and discussed the role of positivity for success. An entrepreneur in the audience described how difficult it was to stay positive during “this terrible economy” which he said was affecting his career. I couldn’t believe that this accomplished businessperson was limiting himself!
During “down” times, it is more important than ever to stay positive and focused. Don’t agonize about so-called recessions or other external factors that may be limiting you! In fact, as a professional, I have worked in a “down” industry and continued to grow my income every year because I concentrated on my specialization and remained positive.
Never allow your own opinions to deceive you! Remember that you are in control of your thoughts and actions, and maintain a positive attitude!

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts next week...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Facebook Ads: To Use or Not?

If you've been following me for a while, you know I love sharing information you can use to leverage your business. And there's no more leverage than taking advantage of the internet and the places where people (ie potential clients) are "hanging out."

According to Facebook.com, the social networking site had 955 million monthly active users at the end of June 2012. With continued growth, various estimates peg the site reaching 1 billion users this month (August). Chances are most of your clients or new leads are "hanging out" on this site at least a couple of hours per week. Does your business have a page and a social media strategy to take advantage of these potential leads?
I always like to share what has worked for me, and that is Facebook.com Ads. I've used Facebook Ads both to drive traffic to my startup artist's community ArtistaMundo.com and my personal website for my coaching business Artista Coaching. I'm going to try them out soon to drive more Likes from qualified leads to my new Facebook page.

Here are 4 Reasons why I use it, and good tips for you to consider as well:

1. They're Inexpensive: You can choose how much you want to pay per day or over a time period, like a launch campaign. I have always used the pay-per-click kind, but you can also pay for general exposure. This option allows you to compete with the "big girls" like national brands!

2. Can be based on Broad or Highly Targeted Criteria: Let's face it, using Facebook isn't "free." Each user's profile is filled with their interests, age, gender, career, education, location, etc. You can select broad criteria, such as "females who like art" or very targeted criteria such as "females, ages 18-22 that attend University of Florida and live in Gainesville, FL." That's pretty darn cool!

3. Very Effective with a Strong Call-to-Action: What do you want your client to do next? You can use it to gain more "Likes" for your page, or you can send visitors to a landing page on your site where you want them to do something, like sign up for a newsletter, free gift or peruse your products. Just make sure you don't send them to a weak landing page that says nothing about you or your business, unless you'd like to see how quickly you can waste a $1.50 click.

4. Great for Testing: Do you have a new product line or marketing campaign you'd like to test out? Try several different ads with different verbiage to see what gets clicked on. I've used this to determine keywords, phrases and categories that resonate the most with my target audience. You can even try it on different landing pages to see what gets the best results. 

Bottom line is they're relatively cheap, targeted and effective. While there's no guarantee that users will "see" or click on your ad, the beauty is you can create different ads and verbiage to test what does work. If you haven't tried them yet, why don't you invest $25 and test it out?

Would you like to learn how to gain more followers, leads and traffic, designing effective Facebook Ads, and learning other great strategies and shortcuts to be more effective on Facebook? Join me this Friday as I host a webinar Facebook for Business: How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy. Get your early bird discount and space by Wednesday, as space is limited!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ask Alex: Spend More Time on my Art, Less Time on Marketing

"Ask Alex"  

Q: "I would like to focus more time on creating my art work and less time on marketing myself. What do you suggest?" 
~Artist, Pennsylvania

A: My suggestion: Delegate & Automate! If you have limited funds, hire an intern or spend a few hundred dollars a month to hire a freelance professional from websites such as Elance or Craig's List that can help with some time-consuming tasks. Automate whatever you can, such as using Hootsuite to schedule social media posts in advance, creating email autoresponders, or paying your employees with a monthly online billpay service. 


Have a question for me? Email AlexandraFigueredo@Gmail.com with subject line "Ask Alex." If you'd like additional help, check out my courses, success programs or coaching programs

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

Image: Facebook.com/RyanSLochte

Hopefully most of you have been watching the Olympics and seen my favorite Gator swimmer Ryan Lochte win a few Olympic medals, including 2 golds. Lochte stars in a commercial from AT&T in which he says "Luck didn't get me to London, I swam here."

That is so powerful. (And not just because he's a gold medal winning Olympic champion and world record breaking swimmer!) Instead of leaving it up to luck or destiny, hard work, discipline, persistence and commitment will get you results. 

Very successful people realize they are in control and take ownership of the results in their lives. They are decisive and confident in their decisions. 

On the other hand, it is very common for most of us to see ourselves with blinders and not realize how we act or our role in our decisions and actions. We give lame excuses that involve everyone and everything other than ourselves.

Last week I mentioned that many people use the term "I can't" very loosely. Be very clear about what you can and cannot do.

Are you holding yourself accountable for all your decisions and actions? Blaming other people such as your family, boss and other external sources is a common way to avoid taking responsibility. Instead of looking at your role in a situation, many of us think thoughts like "if only he/she/they would do/say/be..." things would be better. 

If you're not getting the success you want in your life, you may need to take a step back and assess your thoughts and behaviors. 

Taking full responsibility for your life is extremely empowering... and will lead you down the path toward success. Blaming outside forces (or even holding on to our own shortcomings) is irresponsible and will keep you stuck in the same status. 

Action Step: Notice the next time you say "I can't" or blame other people or outside forces for the events and results you get in your life. Catch yourself before you say these words. Instead of
"I can't" use terms such as "I choose" or "I prioritize." When something you are working on does not pan out, acknowledge your role and that you can try harder or try a different approach. You'll be on your way to Empowerment! 

This article is derived from Ch. 2 on Creating a Powerful Mindset from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This success program presents the 12 most powerful strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose toward your masterpiece life!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

When you "Don't Have Time"

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

Image: AbsentMindedOracle - http://bit.ly/M5aapx

Quite possibly the greatest statement I hear from my clients and other professionals I meet is "I don't have time." Oftentimes it's preceded by "I can't, because..." 

I hear some form of this statement on a daily basis. We're so busy with all our personal and professional duties as it is, and then add in social media and checking email, that what little bit of sanity we had before the internet came along is gone. 

These are just excuses. Of course you have the time. In fact, we all have the same 24 hours of time. It's how you prioritize your time and what you focus on that determines your results. 

I researched and wrote the first draft of my book in less than 4 weeks. I prioritized several hours every day to accomplish this, many time writing in the evenings. Now I can say I’m an Author. That all started with a vision and a goal and the focus to actually act it out. I didn’t want to just be a journalist or blogger and keep writing articles; I firmly decided to write a book! Then I followed up and made it happen.  

The wealthiest people also have the same 24 hours that everyone else has. They know that their time is valuable and they use it to create high value products/services and marketing those products. 

Borrowing a tip from the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss: What would you focus your attention and time on if you could only work 2 hours a day? Write that down and then do it first. Once you've done those, you will have accomplished the most important, high value tasks every day! 

Then you can have all the "time" leftover to do all the other things you can't live without. Like check your Facebook status.

Action Step: Plan your day in advance and ask what is the most important thing you can do that day. Then prioritize those tasks, completing them FIRST.

This article is derived partially from Ch. 3 on Goals from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book success program presents the 12 most powerful strategies for success and is designed to m otivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Aim BIG to get BIG Results

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

Image: MeddingKids.org

Right here and now I’m giving you permission to aim BIG...aim for the stars with your dreams and vision. If that sound a bit cheesy, remember that I am a motivational coach pushing you to reach your greatest individual success!  

Always aim high with your goals, even if some may seem out of reach. The worst that can happen is that you push yourself beyond what you ever imagined possible. And guess what? You may even reach your goals!  

In less than six months, I wrote, edited, designed and launched a book, and can now say I’m an Author. That all started with a vision and a goal. I didn’t want to just be a journalist or blogger and keep writing articles; I firmly decided to write a book! Then I followed up and made it happen.  

There’s also the income goal. Whenever I start talking to my clients about earning hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars, somehow they think this is out of their scope of reality. Is earning this much income really out of your reality? If you’re working in line with your purpose—what I call your Masterpiece Purpose--you deserve to earn all the income to which you aspire. Since you’re getting paid to do what you love anyway, why not earn as much as you want doing it? You must first see yourself worthy of receiving it.  

In fact most very wealthy people started off poor, broke or with all the odds against them, and ALL they had was a dream or vision to hold on to. 

Although it’s not always about money, focus on what you really want and don’t be afraid to think it, want it or say it. 

Essentially, aiming for your real aspirations allows you to truly live a purposeful, passionate life.

Action Step: When you get some down time, meditate and reflect on your goals and what you really want for your life. Remember, to dream BIG....don't just reach for the trees...aim for the stars!

This article is derived from Ch. 3 on Goals from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book program presents the 12 most powerful strategies for success and is designed to m otivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Develop your "Olympic Mindset" to Achieve Big Results

Okay so it's Olympic time, and I'm already getting inspired. Who doesn't feel inspired by this image of Michael Phelps with his gold medals?

In fact, it was 4 years ago that Michael Phelps inspired my weightloss journey, helping me lose 15 pounds in 6 weeks as I trekked up and down the stairs of my building up to 5 times (20 flights of stairs) two times a day, in addition to my regular workouts. Was I insane? Yes! But I wanted it badly enough. Before then, I thought I would never lose weight and was hopeless. I had to master my MIND first, before I could master my body. 

The same goes for any professional endeavor you have. In fact, I realized that I really perform at my peak when I break down my goals in short fragments and then FOCUS on them... for example, these are some of the things I was able to accomplish in just 4 weeks or less: write my book Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM); started a business from scratch; got a professional industry certification; applied for and started my Master's; figured out the "sales game" to double my sales without being "salesy"; just to name a few. 

In my own experience and that of my clients, and taking numerous high-performance courses and training seminars, I've learned and now know what it takes to succeed. That's why I became a Success Coach, so I could help my clients succeed in their endeavors. People used to tell me I should be a professional cheerleader because I'm such a positive motivator...but I'm glad I became a certified Coach instead!

So here are the top 8 Characteristics of Winning Olympians that get them to win the MIND game and achieve their goals...and you can develop them too:

1. Desire: you need to want to achieve your goal badly enough!

2. Focus: be clear about what you want 

3. Handle Pressure (with Grace): have the courage to step up and don't crack under pressure

4. Overcome Mistakes/Hurdles: probably the thing I admire most about athletes is their ability to "forget" the mistakes they made yesterday and focus on today

5. Discipline: yes, you have to actual work! But no Pain, no Gain, as the saying goes

6. Persistence: Keep going, never give up even when you want to quit!

7. Get a Coach/Support: Every great athlete has a great coach. A coach hones your strengths and helps mitigate your weaknesses. Plus of course, you simply cannot perform at your peak if you don't have the support.

8. Commitment: An Olympian commits to a goal, and sees it through to completion. Even if they "fail", they commit to improve themselves and train harder.

Well there you have it. If you're interested in help with your own "Olympic Goal" transformation with rapid results, check out my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program! If you're ready for BIG transformation results in just a few weeks, developing a high performance mindset to achieve your dream biz goal, check it out! Are you ready to develop your "Olympic Mindset"?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5 Reasons To Use Pinterest for Business

Here's a great article from my friend and excellent social media strategist Allison Semancik from Idea Sprouts Marketing. Pinterest is the 3rd most used social media platform so it may be a good idea to pay attention and start your own account, if you haven't already. Here's to your success! ~Alex


5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Pinterest for Business 

If you have been on the fence about using Pinterest for your business, it's understandable. I know what you're thinking, "Oh man! Not another site I have to keep up with!"

But if you were getting results out of using the network, wouldn't you want to give it a try? Here are my reasons why you should be using Pinterest for your business. 

1. More Website Traffic

Websites and blogs are reporting an increase in traffic to their sites once they started using Pinterest. As soon as I began using Pinterest for Idea Sprouts I began to get new traffic AND leads from the site.

Since increased website traffic can also increase leads and sales, Pinterest is worth considering as another social media network for your business.  

2. Links to Your Website  

If you have "pin-worthy" images and videos on your website, people will start pinning them to their Pinterest boards. That means you get a link back to your website with every pin.

If you want to see if you have any pins back to your website, use this website address: http://pinterest.com/source/YOURWEBSITE/

So for my website, I'd use: http://pinterest.com/source/ideasproutsmarketing.com/

You will then see a list of pins that anyone has pinned from your website. Pretty neat! 

3. Get Found by New People  

Every time someone pins or repins one of your images, you have the potential to get found by even more people. That's because your images will show up on their boards and their followers will see it.

In addition, when you pin or repin an image, you have the option to share it on Facebook and/or Twitter, which means even more eyes will see your content.

4. Showcase Products  

While I don't advocate using Pinterest to blast people with images of all of your products or ebooks (in fact, being overly promotional is against Pinterest rules), you can certainly use it to highlight items.

For instance, I have a board with Facebook Marketing Ideas and in it, I include an image and link to my free ebook, 50 Facebook Marketing Ideas. But I also include other videos, articles and tips on Facebook marketing on the board - and it's not all from me or my website.

If you have physical products with gorgeous photos, you have a real opportunity to shine on Pinterest. Especially if your products are popular with women (right now, the majority of Pinterest users). 

5.  Get Personal  

One of the great things about Pinterest is its simplicity. You can share so many different types of photos and images very easily, and get more personal. Add photos of your employees, your events, or testimonials from happy customers. People may begin following you because of one pin they liked, but they will take a few minutes to learn more about you by looking at your boards.

I'm going to be sharing more Pinterest ideas with you in the upcoming weeks, but for now, why not set up an account? Once you do, I'd love to connect with you. You can follow Idea Sprouts and my personal account Allison Semancik.
I'm looking forward to seeing your pins!

If you are using Pinterest for your business, what are your reasons for using it?

Sign up for our newest webinar on Pinterest for Business, on July 19. We'll discuss tips and tricks for boosting traffic, building your list, and other marketing strategies to use for your business. There is limited space so sign up now!

[To view the original article, click here.]

Allison Semancik is the Founder of Idea Sprouts Marketing, a social media & online marketing agency that creates successful marketing plans for small & medium businesses. Idea Sprouts helps clients successfully navigate the social media world to increase sales while making the most effective use of marketing budget.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Give it Your Very Best Every Time

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

Image from The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

 Some people have been kind enough to call me a fine artist. I’ve always called
myself an illustrator. I’m not sure what the difference is. All I know is that
whatever type of work I do, I try to give it my very best. Art has been my life.

~Norman Rockwell 
It is my philosophy that if you are going to have a goal, give it your very best and aim for as high as you can possibly conceive. Not that I ALWAYS do that, but certainly I have enough proof that I have aimed and reached most of the professional goals I set over the last 5 years. Some of them, like my book and success program Sculpt Your Life,  went from a sketch to a masterpiece in only a few months! And now I still have many more lofty goals I’d love to accomplish over the next couple of years.
You see, I’m in the process of creating and planning a really awesome event that I know you will all love, and I’m really excited about it! I want it to be BIG, with BIG speakers and a lot of guests that are willing to act BIG. When I mentioned it to some of my family members initially, everyone was supportive except for one “Negateer” who politely said that for my first event of this kind, I should aim for a much smaller venue with fewer people than I was originally planning.
For a second, my “Confined Mind” as I call it, kicked in and thought maybe she was right. But then I realized that was just my own discomfort with the situation because this is a lofty goal—it’s definitely an intimidating event, but definitely something I can handle. And I also knew that it was her “Confined Mind” talking as well, either from her own insecurity or because she doesn't want me to fail...but either way she is not supporting me (or herself) to dream BIG.
So I politely told her “Thank you, but No! I’m doing a BIG event!”
You see, I’ve already done several events and workshops with dozens of people and online webinars with over a hundred people. I want to do a “BIG event." What type of an example would I be as a coach and businessperson to you and all my clients, friends and family if I played “small”? If I plan for 10,000 and I get 100 people to attend (1%), it is still better than planning for 100 and getting 99 to show up (99%)!
Certainly there is always room to try something once and then adjust and correct later. But many times all you’ve got is one shot, one opportunity, one audition!  
Look at all the successful people whose first books are bestsellers, or who become “stars” after their first performance. Not that they had it easy, but they gave it their very best and it paid off!
We live in this sense of fear that limits us from going all the way. If you’re going to plan something, do it right, and go all the way! I give you permission, and darn it, I support you! Plan and create your “Masterpiece” work the first time and every time. It’s the surest way to accomplish your Masterpiece!
Because of my commitment to a BIG dream, I can proudly say today that I write books, not just articles, and I create BIG events, not just small gatherings. 
What can you do to play BIG and give it your best today? 
And importantly, is there any way I can support you or hold you accountable to live BIG or give it your very best? 
This passage is inspired from Module 6: Creating Masterpiece Work, of my Success Program Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM) designed to help you set and reach your goals and ultimately lead your best, Masterpiece life!

For more FREE success tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now (don't worry, I value my client's privacy and never sell information to third parties!):
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Taking Action is the Key to Success

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

By J. Howard Miller, public domain poster used by the War Production Co-ordinating Committee

Action is the foundational key to all success
 ~Pablo Picasso

Such a simple quote, yet so impactful. This is probably one of my favorites because it really emphasizes an important point.. success is measured by results, or “action.”
I often read this quote on Mondays or on days when I’m feeling down, and realized that I needed a pick-me-up just to write this blog article, which is why I chose “Action” as the topic.
The last few weeks I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of reading, learning and planning…which is all great and will pay dividends later. But I haven’t felt like I’ve been “doing.” I’ve felt stuck in the planning stage.
Now I do realize taking action is not my biggest strength… which is probably why this is one of my favorite motivational quotes. In The One Minute Millionaire by Marc Victor Hansen, I’m referred to as a hare (creative/idea generator) and owl (strategic planner), NOT a turtle (risk analyst) or squirrel (details/action implementer). 
Since I'm more a "big picture" person, I have to work extra hard at implementation, details and organization (thankfully I'm a naturally positive and ambitious person!). I'd like to share a few ways that have worked for me that can help you psych yourself to take action:
1. Take 3-5 steps each day: It only takes a few positive steps each day to get far! Assume you take three steps every day; when you multiply that over 30 days, you’ve moved almost 150 steps closer toward your goals. A little can go a long way!
2. Get Help: When you’re overwhelmed and don’t have the drive to move forward, get help! Perhaps you delegate some of the busy work to part-time administrative or marketing assistants, or partner with another company or agency that can implement your projects.  
3. Find an Accountability Partner: When you tell another person what you want to accomplish, you are more likely to do it. Imagine telling your partner that you want to run a marathon in 6 months, but a month goes by and she doesn’t see you training. Find someone who will bug you and actually hold you accountable.    
4. De-Clutter/Clean Up your life: You may feel like you’re in a rut because you have a ton of extra baggage on you holding you back. A little cleaning up of your home, car or even emotional baggage can free up a lot of extra time and energy in your schedule. Plus it will free up “room” for positive movement in your life.

5. Remember your Purpose: Ooooh this is a good one. When I start to feel deflated or de-motivated, I remember what I’m here to do. I can’t just sit back and NOT do it… it MUST be done. 

6. Take Vacation: Yes, I said take vacation! Perhaps you’re stuck because you’re tired, or bored of the same old rut, and need to recharge. I try to take a couple days off each month, and boy does that down time help me recharge to re-focus on my goals.

Life can sometimes feel as though not much is happening on a day-to-day basis. When you’re frustrated and feel that you’re not progressing, remember that it only takes one step at a time. The key to accomplishing great things is to keep moving forward!

This passage is derived from Module 5: Taking Action, of my Success Program Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM) designed to help you set and reach your goals and ultimately lead your best, Masterpiece life!

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now and receive my newsletter of success tips (don't worry, I value my client's privacy and never sell information to third parties!):
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What we can learn from our Fathers

Me and my dad in Granada, Spain
It shouldn't take a holiday like Father's Day for us to honor and show respect to our fathers... although it is common for us to take our loved ones for granted. Many of us are blessed to still have our fathers alive and healthy (including myself), so that in itself is something to celebrate.

In high school I wrote a cheesy essay about how I admired my dad, that my hard-ass teacher actually loved and gave me an "A" for. In it I included some qualities that many of us can relate to with respect to the father figures in our lives. Here are just a few of those admirable qualities:

1. Integrity: Doing the right thing, no matter what. Your parents are your first source of discipline, and that also goes with learning what's right and wrong. We usually know when we've disappointed our parents by not doing the right thing... I'm getting a visual from the Lion King where Simba has a heart-to-heart talk with his dad after finding the elephant graveyard.. along with hyenas.

2. Being a leader: There's a reason that fathers are typically referred to as "head of household"...they are the figurehead and CEO of the family, receiving the pressure to keep it all together without always getting the credit. 

3. Sense of Responsibility: Similar to a maternal nurturance, most dads I know seem to have this sense responsibility gene inherently built into their DNAs, as though it is their duty to step up and take care of their families. 

4. The Steady Rock: In a household of all women, my dad was always the (emotionally) sane one. We would ask our dad for advice on any issue--my dad has heard it ALL!--and he was always there to support us, no matter what. 

5. Conflict Resolution/Mediation: A parent automatically must learn to become a mediator... my dad was the one that kept everything in line while the rest of us fought over seemingly "important" things like who stole who's makeup, who didn't wash the clothes they borrowed, who ate who's leftovers, etc. 

I'm not even going to mention all the times my dad took me shopping for clothes, attended a loud concert or musical with me, or bailed me out of some dumb monetary bind.

Damn, being a dad is a challenge! In honor of our fathers who took all the crap we put them through... Cheers to them (or cheers to you, if you are one)!   

Many of these success strategies are discussed in my Success Program Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM) designed to help you fulfill your life's mission while increasing your productivity, reaching your goals and ultimately leading your best, Masterpiece life! If you or your dad would be interested in a success program designed to help heart-centered professionals, read more here 

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Networking up: The do's and don'ts of befriending higher-ups

I wanted to share an excerpt from this really excellent article on MSN from Career Builder writer Kaitlin Madden (in which I also happen to be quoted). Here's to your success!! 


Networking up: The do's and don'ts of befriending higher-ups

Kaitlin Madden, CareerBuilder Writer

Whether you work for a large corporation or a small business, you probably feel at least a little intimidated by your company's executive team. After all, they not only call the shots, but they essentially hold your job security and the future of your career in their hands.

As daunted as you may feel at the prospect of networking with your organization's higher-ups, getting to know them could be one of the best things you do for your career. 

"It is quite worthwhile to get to know senior leaders [at your company]," says John Millikin, clinical professor of management at Arizona State University's W.P. Carey School of Business and former vice president of human resources at Motorola. "From the leader's standpoint, by getting to know you as more than a name on a roster, he or she can have a face and personality in mind when making decisions that might affect you and your job. You, conversely, begin to have a clearer understanding of who this leader is and how she or he thinks. This can be very helpful in better aligning your actions with the goals of the firm. The leader may also gain from a connection with you, because he or she is getting an unfiltered view from the 'floor,' which can be very helpful."

So how do you form relationships with the upper management at your company? Consider the do's and don'ts of networking up.

Do find a mentor: Having a mentor in a management position at your company is helpful, because he can introduce you to other executives with whom you may not have a chance to interact.   

"From my experience, working in a corporate position as a banker for many years, networking with higher-ups works," says Alexandra Figueredo, motivation and success coach and author of "Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece." 

"I was mentored by a senior officer, and she pushed me to meet periodically with every one of the senior executives at my company. I was scared to death at first. But within a few months, I was meeting with the top five executives of my company, including the CEO and [chief financial officer]. Eventually, I used their insight and guidance to get promoted within the company."

Don't be a brown-noser: Though networking up is a good career strategy, trying to get an "in" with management shouldn't monopolize your workday. You don't want to develop a reputation as the office politico -- that won't sit well with colleagues or executives.

"Building relationships and networking within an organization can be quite important in a career," Millikin says. "But that doesn't mean that you should spend all your time playing politics in the negative sense of the word. Good working relationships facilitate communication and understanding in an organization, enhancing efficiency. Carried to an extreme, of course, it can become counterproductive. Relationships need to be sincere and transparent. Nobody likes someone who is obviously ingratiating and always agreeing with the boss."

Do create opportunities to network: If you don't have a chance to interact with your CEO on a daily basis, look for ways to do so outside of work. "Employees can network with executives in their own companies by joining and/or heading up committees that are companywide that will have to report to upper management," says Cheryl Palmer, owner of career-coaching firm Call to Career. "This will give employees visibility with the higher-ups as well as networking opportunities."

Other places to "run into" executives? The company gym, office-sponsored happy hours and corporate charity events. 
Read the rest of the article HERE

Kaitlin Madden is a writer and blogger for CareerBuilder.com and its job blog, The Work Buzz. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow @Careerbuilder on Twitter.

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Find Time for Rest & Relaxation

Image courtesy of CelinaSkye.com spa concierge

If you are at all like me, you have about a million things you are working on at the same time. And it seems that no matter how much I have to do, I keep piling on more to do. 

The truth is that I am at my highest productivity level when I have a lot going on, mainly because I have less time to procrastinate. Of course, the downside is the usual sense of overwhelm! Being overwhelmed and overly stressed are major reasons or precursors for getting sick.

One thing I have been trying to increase is finding BALANCE in my life. I'm sure you want it too! I know I know, it's tough. But you deserve it! 

Here are some ways to find time for rest and relaxation:

1. Schedule "R&R" time in your calendar. That way, you won't get distracted by other errands or tasks so easily.
It could be as simple as spending 20 minutes during the day to go for a walk during lunch or take a breather outdoors (hopefully not to smoke!). These little breaks can be so refreshing and help recharge the mind. Make your friends and family aware of your schedule so they don’t interrupt you either.

2. Take periodic days off.
This can be done on a weekly, monthly or seasonal basis. I try to schedule one day every couple of weeks of "me time" to go to the spa or book a massage or just hang out doing NOTHING. I've come to love and appreciate my "Nothing" days.

3. Schedule at least two weeks of vacation each year. It's almost summer...do you have vacation planned yet? If not, get out your calendar and mark out a week in the next two months. Then find a mini vacation, or even a "staycation" to be a tourist in your own town. If you’re not prioritizing your vacation time, what are you prioritizing instead? 

4. Resist the Feelings of Guilt or Filling Time. Nowhere in religious or spiritual texts does it say that you have to work hard 24/7 or that relaxation is evil. Yet so many of us have little feelings of guilt when we take time off or spend time relaxing. We have even been programmed to always be doing something that we may have trouble being still for a moment. Just try it for a few hours!

If you have not incorporated R&R, recharge time, and vacation into your overall life goals, now's the time to revisit your goals and make it a priority. Rest and play are crucial for living your Masterpiece Life!

Embrace and learn to love the stillness, silence and nothingness. Your mind, body and spirit will appreciate it!

The above excerpt is derived from Ch. 4 of Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This program has 12 keys to success and is designed to m
otivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose! 
For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Clean Up to Move Up

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

Are you feeling stuck, like you're not moving forward in your life? This is not unusual, especially now in the late spring.. everything seems to slow down. 
However, you may be able to clean up some loose ends and set a clear new path toward a successful life! In other words, clean up your life to move up in life! 

Here are five suggestions to help you start:

1. De-Clutter: This refers to your home, car, purse or life in general! The Chinese technique Feng Shui, teaches that clutter is a major cause of chaos, sickness and stress in our lives, and it constricts the flow of energy. Try spring cleaning--dump those old papers, broken appliances and unused trinkets. According to my sister Annette, an Ayurvedic Educator, it is best to do this during the full moon (aka "waxing") period per Kabbalistic teaching. So get a headstart now!

2. Let Go of Old Baggage: Similar to clutter, holding on to baggage can restrict our energy flow and keep us from moving forward. Forgive those that have hurt you, ask for forgiveness and let go of past grievances or mistakes. Whatever you're holding on to, is it really worth it? You'll feel much better when you lift the weight and move on!

3. Reflect on your past: Think back on the past year, 3 years, 5 years--have you been leading the life you want and fulfilling your purpose? Are you progressing in your life, staying stagnant or moving backward? Have you made mistakes or experienced any difficult experiences? If you haven't done so yet, turn these into positive opportunities to grow and learn.  

4. Set New Goals: I've written before about setting goals. I challenge you to have one or two HUGE "Masterpiece" goals that stretch you out of your comfort zone and get you to aim high. If you need a bit more assistance, download my free "Sketch Your Goals" Guide for making this your best year ever!

5. Rest and Recharge: This may be easy now that summer is almost here and school is nearly completed. Try to take at least a couple of days to do NOTHING. Yes, Nothing! That rest period may be the perfect time to reflect, let go of the past and set goals.

For more guidance on setting goals, creating a plan for action and leading your best life, check out Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM). This e-book program presents 12 strategies for success and is designed to motivate you to increase your productivity, reach your goals and ultimately fulfill your purpose! 

For more FREE tips and strategies and to get instant access to the "12 Secrets to Success Strategies" video with more great insight from Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM), sign up now:
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Friday, April 27, 2012

Being Overqualified is Actually a Good Thing

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

When you're in a state of transition, as many of my clients are, you may sometimes find yourself feeling like a small fish again in a big ocean. You have so many years of work experience, but if you are changing careers or starting your own business, this process may seem overwhelming. It's like being at square one again. You may even find yourself "underqualified" in many skills or experiences, even with years or decades as a professional. 

Just recently I asked a couple of PR/marketing agencies if I could shadow them for a few months to gain more agency experience. Many of the principals were shocked at my request and I received a similar response from many of them..."But you're so overqualified, you've even written a book!" I felt like my experience was more detrimental than anything else.

Another friend of mine who has held managerial roles in finance companies for over a decade, recently began studying to become a CPA and needed real-life accounting experience. To land an internship position at an accounting firm, she decided to leave out her supervisory experience on her resume. Otherwise, she believed she would never get hired for this position she was clearly too qualified for. 

It's such a pity when we feel bad for our experiences and credentials, or that we have to "dumb down" to such a level to get a position.  

I don't believe you're ever too old to learn new skills, to transition careers or to even start a brand new career in something you've never done before. Heck, lots of retired folks I know became amazing artists, craftsmen and entrepreneurs in their 60s and 70s! 

When in doubt, create your own job and career path that merges your background and your new goals in life. That way noone can ever discount your past work experience.

I found myself in this similar situation when I transitioned out of banking a few years ago, into the arts, media and marketing world. At first I started on a very narrow path I thought I should take, but felt lost pretty quickly. 

When I self-reflected on my purpose in life, what I was good at and what I loved to do, it became clear as day that I needed to become a coach. Coaching of course requires training, but I didn't need to get a whole other advanced degree such as a psychologist or attorney requires. And it allowed me to incorporate all my background...even the business side which I swore off when I left the corporate world! 

Along the way I've taken coaching courses, become more spiritually aware and continued enrolling in business and leadership programs to round out my training. My new path even led me to write a book... another passion of mine that had become dormant while I was in the corporate world.

I'll end with a success story of one of my clients who decided to transition into the wellness industry after a decade of advertising and corporate experience. After she started her own business, she needed to make ends meet while the business took of, so she looked for jobs that she knew she could handle but was clearly "overqualified" for. She received responses like "You run your own company, why would you want to work here?" and "Do you think you'll be able to run your business and still complete the duties in this job?" How terrible... I really empathized with her situation. But I also knew she was worth so much more.

Finally one day she found her dream sales job, which was flexible enough to allow her to continue running her own business. Plus this new company found all of her experience perfect for the new role--her past work experience plus her new industry experience--and they loved that her business synergized with the company's goals.

The moral here is that your background--no matter what it is--gives you your you-nique set of experiences that you bring to the table, that make you you-nique and suited for your perfect job. Always be proud of your accomplishments. If you're still in the process of looking, remember that one day you will find or create the perfect job, career or "zone" that is perfectly suited for you. And in this case, being overqualified will suit you just perfectly! 

To learn more about how I can help you transition careers, find your path or assist you to become more successful in your chosen path, please check out my coaching services or my success e-program Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece. Here's to your personal and professional development!