Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Taking Action is the Key to Success

[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your success! ~Alex]

By J. Howard Miller, public domain poster used by the War Production Co-ordinating Committee

Action is the foundational key to all success
 ~Pablo Picasso

Such a simple quote, yet so impactful. This is probably one of my favorites because it really emphasizes an important point.. success is measured by results, or “action.”
I often read this quote on Mondays or on days when I’m feeling down, and realized that I needed a pick-me-up just to write this blog article, which is why I chose “Action” as the topic.
The last few weeks I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of reading, learning and planning…which is all great and will pay dividends later. But I haven’t felt like I’ve been “doing.” I’ve felt stuck in the planning stage.
Now I do realize taking action is not my biggest strength… which is probably why this is one of my favorite motivational quotes. In The One Minute Millionaire by Marc Victor Hansen, I’m referred to as a hare (creative/idea generator) and owl (strategic planner), NOT a turtle (risk analyst) or squirrel (details/action implementer). 
Since I'm more a "big picture" person, I have to work extra hard at implementation, details and organization (thankfully I'm a naturally positive and ambitious person!). I'd like to share a few ways that have worked for me that can help you psych yourself to take action:
1. Take 3-5 steps each day: It only takes a few positive steps each day to get far! Assume you take three steps every day; when you multiply that over 30 days, you’ve moved almost 150 steps closer toward your goals. A little can go a long way!
2. Get Help: When you’re overwhelmed and don’t have the drive to move forward, get help! Perhaps you delegate some of the busy work to part-time administrative or marketing assistants, or partner with another company or agency that can implement your projects.  
3. Find an Accountability Partner: When you tell another person what you want to accomplish, you are more likely to do it. Imagine telling your partner that you want to run a marathon in 6 months, but a month goes by and she doesn’t see you training. Find someone who will bug you and actually hold you accountable.    
4. De-Clutter/Clean Up your life: You may feel like you’re in a rut because you have a ton of extra baggage on you holding you back. A little cleaning up of your home, car or even emotional baggage can free up a lot of extra time and energy in your schedule. Plus it will free up “room” for positive movement in your life.

5. Remember your Purpose: Ooooh this is a good one. When I start to feel deflated or de-motivated, I remember what I’m here to do. I can’t just sit back and NOT do it… it MUST be done. 

6. Take Vacation: Yes, I said take vacation! Perhaps you’re stuck because you’re tired, or bored of the same old rut, and need to recharge. I try to take a couple days off each month, and boy does that down time help me recharge to re-focus on my goals.

Life can sometimes feel as though not much is happening on a day-to-day basis. When you’re frustrated and feel that you’re not progressing, remember that it only takes one step at a time. The key to accomplishing great things is to keep moving forward!

This passage is derived from Module 5: Taking Action, of my Success Program Sculpt Your Life From Sketch to Masterpiece(TM) designed to help you set and reach your goals and ultimately lead your best, Masterpiece life!

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