[Note: Before I forget, my next 4-Week Accelerated Coaching Program
starts in a few weeks...are you ready for BIG
transformation results in your career? Achieve your dream biz goal in
just weeks, space is limited so check it out now! Here's to your
success! ~Alex]
Quite possibly the greatest statement I hear from my clients and other professionals I meet is "I don't have time." Oftentimes it's preceded by "I can't, because..."
I hear some form of this statement on a daily basis. We're so busy with all our personal and professional duties as it is, and then add in social media and checking email, that what little bit of sanity we had before the internet came along is gone.
These are just excuses. Of course you have the time. In fact, we all have the same 24 hours of time. It's how you prioritize your time and what you focus on that determines your results.
These are just excuses. Of course you have the time. In fact, we all have the same 24 hours of time. It's how you prioritize your time and what you focus on that determines your results.
I researched and wrote the first draft of my book in less than 4 weeks. I prioritized several hours every day to accomplish this, many time writing in the evenings. Now I can say I’m an Author. That all started with a vision and a
goal and the focus to actually act it out. I didn’t want to just be a journalist or blogger and keep writing articles; I firmly decided to
write a book! Then I followed up and made it happen.
The wealthiest people also have the same 24 hours that everyone else has. They know that their time is valuable and they use it to create high value products/services and marketing those products.
Borrowing a tip from the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss: What would you focus your attention and time on if you could only work 2 hours a day? Write that down and then do it first. Once you've done those, you will have accomplished the most important, high value tasks every day!
Then you can have all the "time" leftover to do all the other things you can't live without. Like check your Facebook status.
Borrowing a tip from the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss: What would you focus your attention and time on if you could only work 2 hours a day? Write that down and then do it first. Once you've done those, you will have accomplished the most important, high value tasks every day!
Then you can have all the "time" leftover to do all the other things you can't live without. Like check your Facebook status.
Action Step:
Plan your day in advance and ask what is the most important thing you can do that day. Then prioritize those tasks, completing them FIRST.